SE3 Beta 2.1
· 3 min read
New features
- added dark asteroid, see it here
- added dark cementeries as well as following objects:
- dark stone
- packed dark stone
- dark tomb
- dark treasure, loot [here]
- lava geyzer
- added max potions, impossible to craft, obtainable only from dark cementeries, they completely regenerate all your bars and remove effect
- unstable artefact updated, you can access unstabling state by pressing A when having enough power
- universes created in Beta 2.1 will be possible to update to newer versions
Old feature changes
- treasure loottable changed
- dark treasure loottable added
- impulses have a small cooldown now (0.2s)
- power potion is now possible to use when being invisible
UI changes
- third menu button title changed to "Account"
- universe description font size changed 35 -> 32
- "Ether" changed to "Power" when using illusion artefact
- unstable artefact description changed to "Press A but do not kill anyone"
Default datapack changes
- blank element drill chance 4% -> 5,5%
- power element drill chance 4% -> 5,5%
- amethyst drill chance 20% -> 30%
- diamond asteroid chance 2% -> 1,5%
- fire and unstable damages changed:
- unstable damage 8 -> 10
- boss unstable effectivity 1,25 -> 1
- fire bullet damage 3 -> 4
- boss fire effectivity 2 -> 1,3125
- that means:
- fire bullet DPS changed:
- to bosses 23.86
- to players 18.18
- unstable bullet DPS to players and bosses unified 35.71
- fire bullet DPS changed:
- coal bullet crafting product amount reduced 6 -> 3
- bullet owner push 1 -> 0,6
- cementery chance 3% -> 2%, but added dark cementery chance 1%
- catastrophic arena chance 0,5% -> 0,4%
- added 22 new gameplay variables, more info here
- impulse cooldown (x1)
- bullet cooldowns (x5)
- bullet default ranges (x5)
- other sources fire cyclic time (x2)
- lava geyzer force & damage (x2)
- unstable artefact configurables (x5)
- treasure & dark treasure loottables (x2)
- added new biome tag: dark.cementery
Important technical changes
- bullet cooldown system reworked to be configurable
- bulet sending by player is a bit more optimized on server side
- biome IDs are saved to file "Biomes.se3" when generated
- universes copied from the server are no longer marked as server copies
Bug fixes
- pop sound was behaving strangely in certain situations