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Version: Beta-1.13

Generator settings

Generator settings is a place, where you can customize asteroid generation.


Biome separation

Se3 generator consists of default generator and up to 31 biomes or structures. These are separated using jse3 hierarchy. Default generation has always ID = 0. Biomes and structures might have IDs from 1 to 31. You can add biome name in comments, but it's not necessary.

<Default generation> 0
<My favorite biome> 1
<Mysterious structure> 2

Construction rules

There is a lot of variables in generator settings, so there is an array with all information.

Variable partValue partValue exampleIn defaultDescriptionNote
chancePercentage8%noSets biome appear chance.-
all_sizesAsteroid names with probability in round brackets separated with +.stone(80%) + copper(20%)yesSets asteroid type generate chances in a given biome for all sizes.Variable part can be 0 as well.
int <4;10>Asteroid names with probability in round brackets separated with +.stone(80%) + copper(20%)yesSets asteroid type generate chances in a given biome for size selected by the variable part.Overwrites all_sizes if used after that.
settingsBiome settings. More info here.[radius=50]yesCustomizes advanced generator settings.-
<Geyzer biome> 2
chance: 8%;
settings: [];

all_sizes: stone_geyzer(100%);
<Size>5: stone_geyzer(70%) + magnetic_geyzer(30%);
<Size>6: stone_geyzer(70%) + magnetic_geyzer(30%);
<Size>7: stone_geyzer(70%) + magnetic_geyzer(30%);