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Version: Beta-2.1

Transform commands

Transform commands are used to change position, rotation, scale and other physical parameters of objects.


Children system

Asteroids have some objects on them. We call them children. Every child has its own settings, despite this they don't have #IDs like other objects. They have $IDs instead. To access a child you have to put the key-word child between command and its arguments. Children have $IDs, which can have numbers from $0 up to $19. They never repeat on the same asteroid. The $ID will be taken from findex. If you want to modify multiple objects at once, you can use the key-word children. Then objects IDs will be taken from between findex_min & findex_max including.

catch #0
catch child $0 move child 0 10
catch #1
catch children $0 $10 scale children 0.5 0.5 0.5

Note: If you change child position, it will be reseted to center of an asteroid.
Note: If you change child rotation, it will be reseted to value 0.
Note: If you change scale of the parent asteroid, objects scales and distances from the asteroid center will also change.


Command move moves a selected object by a given position. It rotates the given vector by the actual rotation.

move <X> <Y>
  • X: Horizontal position change.
  • Y: Vertical position change.


Command rotate rotates a selected object by a given angle counterclockwise.

rotate <angle>
  • Angle: Delta angle in degrees.


Command scale sets the scale of a selected object to a given value.

scale <X> <Y> <Z>
  • X: Scale on the X-axis
  • Y: Scale on the Y-axis
  • Z: Scale on the Z-axis

Note: Changing the scale of a parent object can affect its children. Be careful and never change the scale of a second level parent of an asteroid.


Command layer sets the Z layer of the selected object's position. You can hide the object with this command by setting a very low (for example -500) value.

layer <Z>
  • Z: Layer in coordinates

Note: It's recommended to not set absolute Z values to over 100.


Command reset resets the selected object's position, rotation or local position.

reset <prm>
  • Prm: Something, you want to reset: [position, rotation, localpos].

Note: Reseting rotation will replace it with a parent's rotation.


Command parent changes or removes a parent of a selected object.

parent set #<ID>
parent remove
  • ID: New parent's ID.

Note: Doesn't work for objects with $IDs.


Command steal can be used to attach asteroid objects to walls easily. It works properly even if the wall scale is changed before stealing objects. It steals objects from an asteroid and hides that asteroid. Changing asteroid scale will change asteroid objects' scales and expand spaces between them.

steal <number> from #<ID>
steal <number> from delta <deltaID>
  • Number: Amount of asteroid objects on the one side of a wall.
  • ID: AsteroidID.
  • deltaID = AsteroidID - WallID.

Note: You can't steal more objects, than there is on the asteroid.
Note: You don't need any wall. You can attach asteroid objects to every object, but the result will be weird.

Usage examples

summon #0 piston
rotate 60
move 15 0
scale 2 2 2

summon #1 wall
parent set #0
reset localpos
parent remove

summon #2 asteroid 4 0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
catch #1 steal 4 from #2

summon #3 asteroid 9 12 x
catch child $0 scale child 3 3 3
catch children $1 $17 layer children -500