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Version: Release-2.3

Biome settings


Biome settings consist of biome tags and are used to customize biomes and structures.


Biome settings variable look

settings: [
tag1, tag2,
tag3, tag4,

Square brackets [] are not needed here. They just look nice, so you should use them ;)


Datapack will be always imported even if some tags are incorrect, so put them precisely.

Tag types

switchgridDetermines a single boolean value. It might be present or not.
parametricdensity=5%Determines a sigle integer value. When it is not present, value will be set to default.
colorbgcolor-255-255-255Determines background color.


min=Xparametricint <0;80>65Determines minimum biome radius.
max=Xparametricint <0;80>80Determines maximum biome radius.
radius=Xparametricint <0;80>65-80Determines biome radius precisely.
gradient=Xparametricint <0;80>80Determines radius at which background color gradient occurs. Will be reduced to biome range if greater.
density=Xparametricint % <0%;100%>60%Sets the chance for asteroids to appear.
priority=Xparametricint <1;31>16Sets generation priority, when two biomes coincide each other. Part of biome with a lower priority will be overwritten by another one.
gridswitch--Disables asteroid offset. All asteroids will generate in diagonal grid points.
evenswitch--Forces biome to generate its center only on even asteroid squares (without asteroids).
oddswitch--Forces biome to generate its center only on odd asteroid squares (with asteroids).
spawnswitch--Generates biome always on spawn. You can improve the effect by using tag centred.
centredswitch--Disables biome offset. Designed to use together with spawn.
structuralswitch--Disables coinciding with other structural biomes and automatically sets tag priority to 32. Biomes with this tag take up two times more space in generation array. It's recommended to put it only on structures.
struct=Xparametricint <1;31>0Creates a custom structure in the middle of a biome. Requires structural tag to work.
bgcolor-R-G-Bcolor3x int <0;255>167-222-255Sets the background color of a biome.
boss.N.color-R-G-Bcolor1x int <0;6>, 3x int <0;255>167-222-255Sets the background color for boss with ID = N. Works globally, so it's not a typical tag.

Usage example

You can see, how arena was configured below:

settings: [
structural, struct=4,
radius = 80, even,
density = 100%,