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SE3 Beta 2.2

· 14 min read
Space Eternity creator

Hello everyone! I hope you're going well. I'm back after a very long time and I release a new major update for SE3, Beta 2.2. Although it doesn't contain a lot of new features, it's still one of the biggest updates ever. If you don't believe me, read this changelog. It won't take up... eternity:

New features:

  • added bone asteroids on cementeries
  • added background colors dependent on biome and active boss
  • added various difficulties: EASY, NORMAL, HARD, DIABOLIC + hidden: NONE, IMPOSSIBLE
    • difficulties affect damage received by everything except other players, potions and remote damage
  • added wind bullets, obtainable sometimes on geyzer biomes
  • removed coal bullets, all from previous versions will turn into wind bullets
    • wind bullets push the enemy away
    • wind bullets are faster and have a bigger range than copper bullets, but also smaller DPS
  • added copper diodes
  • added the following experimental fobs (available only through datapacks):
    • copper chimney
    • small copper chimney
    • tiger gem (not functional yet)

New features (less gameplay):

  • chat added, press "T" or "/" to send a message, press F2 to hide all messages instantly
  • added SE3 accounts, you can register or login in main menu
  • added nickname-protection system on servers based on SE3 accounts, enable 'require_se3_account' in config.json
  • added command system to server console, type 'help' for more info
  • added whitelist and banlist to servers
  • added fob72 (total vacuum) which is a removed fob place, used in arenas from now
  • universes without UniverseInfo.se3 file are marked as "Time: 00:00, Version: Unknown" and are always possible to update
  • datapack importing on servers improved, just add your datapack into Datapacks folder and start an empty server
  • magnetic alien activated is now a proper item and fob, it uses the magnetic alien texture
  • info about other player's death will be displayed on top of the screen
  • added 3 new treasures with IDs: 73, 74, 75 (second and third are reserved for use in custom datapacks)
  • added keep inventory option available when creating new universe and in server config

Old feature changes:

  • you can drill from pistons now
  • drillers can drill all items from drill loottable now, including magic elements
  • all craftings reworked, check in game for details
  • stone collider is now bigger, so it's easier to collect stones
  • removed old pumpkin, replaced it with a copper chimney
  • invisibility pulses removed when modifing terrain, trolling with illusion artefact is now easier :)
  • damage invisibility pulse time reduced: 25+3 -> 20+3
  • recreated pause menu to fit difficulty change menu
  • simplified piston collider to be a rectangle
  • fire bullets can now set bosses on fire, but have a lower base damage
    • bosses are much more vulnerable to fire effect than players
    • fire effect on bosses is affected by the bullet upgrade of the attacker
  • illusion artefact buffed:
    • players are 20% faster when invisible
    • players don't receive crash damage when invisible
  • drill efficiency upgrade nerfed +15% -> +12%

Cosmetical changes:

  • player damage sound changed to be more metalic
  • fob destroy particle effect reworked
  • grass asteroid reflects less light now
  • coal asteroid and coal bullets are darker now
  • asteroid and wall textures reworked, pixels are less noticable
  • boss damage sound volume reduced: 0,35 -> 0,3 + pitch changed
  • artefact lights changed a bit
  • all 0-1 animations (hiding, camera zoom, bgcolor etc.) are less sharp from now
  • added smooth camera zoom when being close to activated arena
  • cementery big asteroid is now as fat as it should be
  • adecodron glass is now a bit more flat
  • boss damage particles modified to be more noticeable
  • reworked the starandus neutronium animation
  • fob placing selector material has changed to be semi-transparent
  • packed copper material has changed a bit
  • copper stone, packed copper and copper bullet texture colors have changed a bit
  • music natural volume reduced: 0,75 -> 0,4
  • unstable loop sound volume reduced: 0.4 -> 0.25 (to be less annoying)

UI changes:

  • junkyard info is now bold + changed color to more gray
  • disabled main menu button color is now lighter gray
  • new junkyard messages added
  • multiplayer connection panel reworked, added "stop" button to stop connecting to the server
  • junkyard discard button reworked
  • lighter amethyst is now visible in the bedrock storage when it is empty
  • in the right UI segment small letter-buttons were replaced with arrows
  • credits reworked to be more... poetic?
  • reworked SE3 logo and added version subtitle to it
  • font changed in the main menu
  • locked backpack slots are now marked with text "Locked"
  • there will appear text "No power bar" when trying to use power potion and not wearing a proper artefact
  • battle can be activated only using LMB from now
  • 'adress' changed to 'address' in main menu placeholder field
  • F1 is now independent from pause menu
  • added universe creation screen, which contains various settings, including datapacks
  • upgrade text "Max Level!" changed to "Max Level"
  • boss bar proportion to health shrinked: boss with 1000 health has the same bar as boss with 1200 from previous version
  • boss bar will set its size properly only when max box health is larger than 200 and smaller than 1400
  • main menu button selected color has changed from white to blue


  • a lot of new server config variables, check in the server config
  • added upgrade variables in gameplay segment to allow customization of upgrade prices
  • removed some and added new gameplay variables
  • coal bullet gameplay variables reworked to be wind bullet variables
  • removed all structural tags except for struct=X, moved all built-in structures into custom structures
  • completely reworked seon language, see the newest documentation
  • removed some and added new biome tags
  • removed bosbul objects, they were replaced with the new bullet collision system
  • vacuum_drag gameplay variable works a bit different from now, calibrate your old datapacks

Default datapack changes:

  • cementery chance increased: 2% -> 2,7%
  • dark cementery chance increased: 1% -> 1,3%
  • that means all cementery chance increased: 3% -> 4%
  • unstable bullet speed: 0,35 -> 0,4
  • diamond asteroid chance changed: 1,5% -> 2%
  • star structure chance changed: 2% -> 1,5%
  • coal stone chance on asteroids: 45% -> 35% (like other stones now)
  • impulse damage: 8 -> 10
  • power element drill chance: 5,5% -> 2,6%
  • fire bullet player cooldown: 11 -> 10
  • changed fire bullet damage: 4 -> 3
    • that means fire bullet DPS changed to 15 + delayed: 16 in 4s (bosses) or 4 in 2s (players)
  • added modified drop: magnetic_alien_activated: magnetic_alien;
  • upgrade prices changed:
    • level 1: gold 3 -> gold 5
    • level 2: gold 6 -> gold 10
    • level 3: gold 10 -> gold 15
    • level 4: amethyst 12 -> gold 20
    • level 5: amethyst 20 -> gold 25
  • redA (id=25) object generation replaced with other (id=2) object generation in catastrophic arenas
  • blank element is now drillable from bone asteroid instead of metalic, drill chance changed: 5,5% -> 8%
  • changed all seon codes in datapack
  • added bone asteroids to both types of cementeries
  • treasures updated: shrinked junk loot, rarer treasures, useful items have overall similar rarity
  • changed biome tags to fit new background changes
  • rebalanced bullet rarity
  • every structure has "even" tag now, which means, it generates on the asteroid and not empty grid square
  • boss healths have been reduced: [800,1000,1200] -> [600,800,1000]

Technical changes:

a) Server connecting

  • the max lagging time in main menu is 3 seconds from now and it happens only during the nick verification process
  • server will kick you after waiting in main menu for longer than 30 seconds
  • the main menu will automatically add se3:// instead of wss:// prefix to the server address when it doesn't find any

b) Server run

  • server always verifies the sender of the message from now
  • conID safety system replaced with better, se3-ws safety system
  • messages to all clients are sent only to players confirmed to be in game
  • server will no longer crash after receiving a wrong message (if it does, contact with the game developer)
  • remote messages from clients are handled better (for example when client wants to activate the arena too far away)
  • cooldown system is handled better (bullets, impulse)
  • there was introduced the limit messages per second for connection: 1200
  • there was introduced the max length of message to server: 65536
  • server communication protocol was drastically reworked in client -> server commands, check server code comments for more information
  • server anti-cheat improved (there was completely no anti-cheat before)
  • player bullet speed will always be reduced to 1.2 units when too big
  • hour header on server improved, it may additionally display date
  • information display design on server console changed a bit, removed unnecessary rectangular brackets []
  • bullet removing after kick is now on server side, client bullets no longer disappear when returning to menu
  • config.json and authConfig.json files will now generate automatically
  • impulse and invisibility power anti-cheat implemented
  • from the server point of view unstable matter is an empty space too (replacable with other fobs)
  • GrowActive system optimized when more players on the server

c) Others

  • settings format changed to fit official account text field data (username and password)
  • nicks can only contain english letters, numbers, and following characters: _ -
  • game will close immediately after exception or error and save its crash into crash.log file
    • unnecessary try-catches in SC_data script removed to fit this system
    • saving game files is impossibe after crash
  • removed 2 junkyard messages because of wrong text wrapping
  • bullet invisible server projections do not spawn anymore as physical objects
  • biome offset system updated:
    • updating universe may move a star and destroy part of terrain around it
  • asteroid blocker no longer works for geyzer turn and bullet turn
  • if datapack file not present in the server directory, the default datapack will be loaded + (datapack not present there by default)
  • custom datapacks with name set to "DEFAULT" will now pretend to have it set to "CUSTOM" (both on server and local side)
  • universes can now store file "difficulty.txt", which stores the actual universe difficulty (only singleplayer)
  • error fob is now 72 (total vacuum) instead of 0 (empty)
  • reworked communication with terrain files from code level
  • reworked biome generation API and copied it to the server
  • asteroid type set and fobs generation are now deterministic based on seed
  • biome memories system reworked, splitted one giant file into smaller terrain files
  • force give up counter on singleplayer changed from 1s to 20s, on multiplayer it was always 20s
  • star particles scaling changed to hierarchy
  • reworked the whole world generation system code, but it works still the same
  • reshaped the world border a bit
  • there was introduced asteroid generation per frame limit to reduce lags
  • the old, silent geyzer sound object was removed and no longer lags the game
  • fob and resp blocker lists removed, replaced them with better, more optimal systems
  • optimized asteroid string connecting, so the data saving lag was reduced
  • reworked object generation system, copied it to server and patched midas cheats
  • reworked boss bullet collision with the environment to include fobs, it no longer needs bosbul objects
  • reshaped ustable turn collider a bit
  • reshaped the following client bullet colliders: geyzer, lava geyzer, all elements, red spikes
  • int and float parsing system reworked to be the same on client and server side
  • only colliders older than 10 frames will be able to deal collision damage
  • reworked player movement code
  • full screen manager code reworked, full screen will be always enabled at the start of the game, you can always close it using F11
  • unity version updated to: 2023.2.20f1 (no one knows what it affected)

Bug fixes:

  • it was possible to activate pause menu without closing inventory when escape button was released while in inventory
  • it was possible to activate inventory while both in pause menu and on multiplayer
  • junkyard & chat font wasn't supporting characters like ą, ę, ó, ł
  • driller could transform items when more than one item type could be drilled from one asteroid (only multiplayer)
  • drill upgrade was not affecting loot until asteroid reloading
  • boss health had visible negative value part after defeating a boss, it was noticeable only when max boss health was very small
  • bullets were breaking when flying through respawn
  • fixed lightning problem in the main menu
  • bullet projections on multiplayer were breaking one frame too early
  • bullet invisible server projections were spawning one frame ahead of their real position
  • dark asteroid had not wall and sphere variant in seon language
  • when player died in multiplayer while fighting boss alone, boss fight was still going
  • some texts could change their appearence when updating
  • impulse was not ending after removing impulse artefact
  • biome offset was too big in some cases, which could result in weird generation like completely overwritten or enclave biomes
  • it was possible to create biomes with sizes 81-100 using datapacks (only using radius=X tag)
  • singleplayer storages could stop working on servers
  • object growth was corrupting the world on singleplayer by replacing 19th asteroid object with the "-1" fob
  • seon's sphere drill script wasn't working
  • geyzer wind wasn't dynamically updating its position to be on geyzer after introducing moving objects in Beta 1.14
  • only .jse3 files (and not .txt) could be imported as a datapack in the game menu
  • there was a relict-datapack Darks.jse3 in a "Datapacks" folder
  • driller on multiplayer could drill more items than it had capacity
  • using control to pick up all items from a storage could sometimes cause "Inventory full" message to appear
  • rescue-teleport from inside asteroids was too sensitive and could sometimes teleport player even when staying outside
  • ulam-XY conversion functions were inaccurate when computing big numbers
  • client bullets could fly through walls and spheres, when there were no fobs on the way
  • client bullets on singleplayer flying through the boss directly after the boss appearing state were igored by the boss
  • unstable turn collider was destroying bullets even if they were not unstable
  • bullets weren't flying through unstable matter
  • buggy quake collisions were dealing a lot of unfair damage
  • darkner objects in main menu were in some cases over page titles
  • other player health bars had a small offset to the left
  • drill kept being extended after death and respawn
  • the full screen resolution was always set to 1920:1080 instead of getting the screen native resolution
  • fonts will (should) no longer blur for no reason

Universe updating warnings:

  • it is better rather to create a new universe in Beta 2.2 than to update the old one because of the following problems:
    • some structures will move a bit and destroy part of terrain around them
    • old arenas will contain fobs, which should be removed normally (fobs overlapping with walls and pistons)
    • some structures on the world border will be erased as well as some asteroids (200 000 coordinates from spawn)

Thank you for your attention and see you next time!